دخول تسجيل  
المجلة الدولية للعلوم القانونية والمعلوماتية
An International Journal
  الرئيسية من نحن الأخبار المجلات المؤتمرات الكتب اتصل بنا

Vol. 01 > Jul 2018


Electronic Arbitration Agreement

PP: 225 - 238
Eyad Mo’aied Alkhateeb, Ibrahim Radwan Aljaghbeer,
The development of e-commerce has raised many legal questions about the legal framework to be organized, particularly by resolving the disputes of e-commerce contracts, which are difficult to establish in a given region, leading to the inability of traditional controls to determine the competent judicial body to resolve the dispute, since most of them are based on regional pillars. Therefore, it was necessary to resort to alternative means of resolving disputes such as negotiations and arbitration, the latter, which was known to evolve as a result of simulations with the privacy of the Internet, which led to the emergence of online arbitration or arbitration through the line, which is the most appropriate means of resolving the disputes of electronic commerce contracts, with the urgent need for a legal framework of its own organized for its effectiveness.

  الرئيسية   من نحن   الأخبار   المجلات   المؤتمرات اتصل بنا جميع الحقوق محفوظة لـ isci-academy.com